Join Your Nearest Yes On Prop 10 Campaign Launch!
Gentrification, displacement and sky-rocketing rents. We've all been talking about it and now its time to DO SOMETHING about it. Proposition 10 is a historic opportunity to take on the biggest barrier to winning for real housing justice with the repeal of the Republican backed 1995 bill the Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act. Backed by corporate landlords and real estate billionaires, the opposition to Prop 10 is raising BIG money to fight us - but WE ARE IN THE MAJORITY and with all of your help we can win!
Join us for a press conference, door knocking training and mass canvassing to launch weekly mobilizations to pass Prop 10 and build the tenant movement for rent control!!!
Saturday September 22nd
Los Angeles Yes on Prop 10 Launch!
When: 9:30am - 1pm
Where: 1715 W Florence Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90047
Oakland Yes On Prop 10 Launch!
When: 10am - 1pm
Where: 1218 Magnolia St, Oakland, CA 94607-2225
Orange County Yes On Prop 10 Launch!
When: 10am - 1pm
Where: 1218 Magnolia St, Oakland, CA 94607-2225
Richmond Yes On Prop 10 Launch!
When: 9am - 12pm
Where: Grace Lutheran Church, 2369 Barrett Ave, Richmond, CA 94804
Sacramento Yes On Prop 10 Launch!
When: 10am - 2pm
Where: 4625 44th St, Sacramento, CA 95820
San Bernadino Yes On Prop 10 Launch!
When: 10am - 1pm
Where: 1218 Magnolia St, Oakland, CA 94607-2225
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